
Friday Sep 15, 2023
Friday Sep 15, 2023
Allen Klein is a Jollytologist® and “Ambassador of Light” who shows audience’s worldwide how to use humor and positivity to deal with life’s not-so-funny stuff.
He is a TEDx presenter on the power of intention and the author of over 30 books including the best-selling book, The Healing Power of Humor, as well as Embracing Life After Loss, and The AWE Factor, which SpiritualityandPractice.com called “One of the Best Spiritual Books” the year it was published.
Comedian Jerry Lewis has said that Klein is “a noble and vital force watching over the human condition.” More information about Klein can be found at www.allenklein.com

Friday Sep 01, 2023
Episode 111 - Happy Birthday Nancy Norton! Tromedy Podcaster and Comedian
Friday Sep 01, 2023
Friday Sep 01, 2023
Nancy Norton is an award winning comedian and keynote speaker who
presents "The Power of Humor"
She is the first woman to win the Boston Comedy Festival, then the very
next year, placed first in the Seattle International Comedy Competition,
the first woman to win that since 1985 and then, for Humility, placed
3rd in South Dakota. (LOL)
She is a former Nurse who now heals with humor, her new Podcast:
Tromedy, spelled TROMEDY. (I like to spell it for obvious reasons)...is
Transmuting Trauma using Comedy.
Find Tromedy online wherever you find your podcast.
No Matter What, Keep Laughing!
Nancy Norton
Stay AWAY from Home Mom
2021 Best of the Fest Show with Jay Leno at The Burbank Comedy Festival
2019 Champion of the Seattle International Comedy Competition
2018 Winner of the Boston Comedy Festival FIRST WOMAN TO EVER WIN IT!
2016 Grand Slam Storytelling Champion of Truth Be Told
Phone: 303-803-8824
Standup Comedian for Clubs and Corporations with over twenty years
Headlining experience
Professional Speaker: The Power of Humor Laugh and Grow Rich
Enjoy the many benefits of Humor for business, stress management and
health enhancement... WHILE learning and laughing
Team Building Improv workshops
May You Be in the Present Moment...for Now.

Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Tim is a firefighter and a curator of side jobs. From operating a Paleo bakery to implementing an electric powered, residential landscaping company, there are a lot of things he has said, "Yes, and!" to.

Friday Aug 04, 2023
Friday Aug 04, 2023
This episode, we revive the Chip Lutz interview with the one and only Allen Klein! Yes, Allen, Jim-Bob and I would love to do a follow up interview with you! Meanwhile, enjoy this vintage episode one more time!
Go back in time in this episode to the humble beginnings of Chip Lutz as he just started the Laughbox Podcast.
Enjoy the intro, and the deep velvet voice of Chip as he interviews Allen Klein.
Klein's books have been published in eight different languages (English, Spanish, Danish, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Hungarian, and Turkish) with over 500,000 in print.

Wednesday Jul 19, 2023
Episode 108 - Humor is a Gateway Drug to Joy with Bonita Joy
Wednesday Jul 19, 2023
Wednesday Jul 19, 2023
Bonita Joy's vision is for people to experience moments of joy in their work, relationships and daily lives regardless of their circumstances. A“recovering attorney" turned conference weaver, she emcees events along with her ventriloquist puppet friends to enliven events so that attendees are engaged and have fun. She is also a Company Culture Crasher who helps businesses bring more humor into their culture.
Bonita Joy is the author of the forthcoming book: Tickle Their Funny Bone: Use Humor to Leverage Your Presentations.
You can reach Bonita Joy at: BonitaJoySpeaker@gmail.com or call her at (785) 550-4944

Friday Jun 30, 2023
Episode 107 - AATH Interviews Lynn Perreault of Laughter Business Academy!
Friday Jun 30, 2023
Friday Jun 30, 2023
Helloooo, I am Lynn Perreault, Ph.D., Founder of Laughter Business Academy (2010), Positive Business/Community/Health/Social Psychologist (2005), Qualified Uppiness Trainer (2022), Certified Laughter Yoga Leader & Teacher (2008), and Applied Improvisation Practitioner (1990). My mission is to raise the economy for laughter, humour and improv practitioners all around the globe.
Laughter Business Academy is an online business incubator and accelerator for therapeutic humourists, applied improv trainers, happiness consultants, freelance humourists, and laughterpreneurs who want to make a good 6-figure living. Since 2010, our programs have helped thousands of clients in 20 countries.
How to make money as a humour or laughter professional: https://www.laughterbusinessacademy.com/moneyflow-intro

Thursday Jun 15, 2023
Thursday Jun 15, 2023
Bobby Benavides has been doing comedy for several years in West Virginia. He has a wife and four kids, all of which, he practices his material on, regularly. When he isn’t doing comedy he is an air guitar enthusiast. He mainly specializes in slow jams, and will perform at weddings. He enjoys reading a good book, and drinking great coffee, but has settled for books about bears who live in a tree house, and instant coffee, as of late.
Bobby's Podcast:

Saturday Jun 03, 2023
Episode 105-LaughBox Welcomes Frank Chindamo of Laugh MD for a Return Visit
Saturday Jun 03, 2023
Saturday Jun 03, 2023
Frank began his media career in writing and production at SNL. He's won 30+ awards for writing/producing comedy videos for HBO, Showtime, CBS, PBS, Comedy Central and more. He launched the world’s first mobile comedy channel, featured on the front pages of Forbes, the LA Times, and in the Wall Street Journal and the NY Times. Former Adjunct Professor in Web Video at USC, UCLA and Chapman University. Certified Humor Professional through the Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor.

Wednesday May 17, 2023
Wednesday May 17, 2023
Doug Fletcher Lifetime Achievement Award
We reposted the very first Laughbox episode to honor Chip Lutz as the recipient of the lifetime achievement award in 2023
Thank you, Chip!
Are you wondering about AATH? This is a brief descriptive episode about the Association of Applied and Therapeutic Humor and the pilot episode of Laughbox!
The Doug Fletcher Lifetime Achievement Award is presented to either a member or non-member in recognition of his or her
- Dedication and service to AATH, and/or
- A significant contribution to the understanding and application of humor and/or laughter over an entire career with a definable body of work through one or more of the following: speaking, teaching/training, research, publications, and professional practice.
Stay Tuned for new episodes starting in June!
Sending a big thank you to all the organizers of the 2023 conference in Mesa, Arizona! What an amazing experience!
If you have ideas about how we can fund this podcast, please send an email to:

Wednesday May 03, 2023
Episode 103 - 2023 Conference MishMash - Interviews, and Sound Bytes
Wednesday May 03, 2023
Wednesday May 03, 2023
Join Jim-Bob Williams and Katy BEE as they chronicle the 2023 AATH Conference with first hand interviews, sounds from the actual conference and some opportunities to giggle and guffaw!
Hear about some of the keynote speakers, breakout rooms and takeaways from this year's conference!
For images and more info about the conference head to